Art direction, graphic design and operations for an awareness campaign for the National Art Musem in Poznań, Poland.


Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu



Art Direction

Design Operations


Client-side supervision / Strategy

Łukasz Kowalka


Martyna Wilczyńska


Szymon Jaszak


The National Museum in Poznań, Poland needed a small campaign to boost interest and visitors for their European Art wing. They wanted to promote their collected art works as well as their own institution.


The main driver of this campaign was informing people of the internationally acclaimed works by such painters like Monet, Pissaro or Dumonstier. For this we use a slogan — We Have It Here (Mamy To u Siebie).

We created posts and formats for a social media campaign as well as a short promotional video telling locals about the artworks that were in the museum. Additionally flyers and brochures were printed to help the visitors learn as much about every painting without the need of having studied art history.

There were 15 thematic events with over 2000 attendees where curators presented painters, paintings and information surrounding the art works to teach people about the values behind what the eye perceives.


Paweł Drętkiewicz

— Digital Designer